NOTICE TO SHAREWARE LIBRARIES, DISK VENDORS AND SOFTWARE LIBRARIES This file contains information for Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute this software. You have the permission of the author to include this software in your Software library or on your CD-ROMs, however, please contact the author before you do so to ensure that you use the latest version. When copying this software onto distribution disks or CD's, please ensure that ALL files are copied. A simple COPY *.* will do this. The author has experienced customers who have obtained incomplete versions of this software from CD-ROMs. Please make sure that when creating CD-ROMs, you obtain the latest distribution version from the author and copy all the files supplied. Failure to do so not only affects my reputation as a software supplier, but it also affects your reputation too. The installer supplied with this software is not disk label dependent, disk sector dependent and does not require write access to itself, so may be freely copied onto diskettes, hard disks or CD-ROMs, but it does require that ALL files are copied. Please do not attempt to replace the installer with your own: this software is integrated with the installer (for software protection reasons) and will NOT work with any other installer. You are specifically prohibited from charging or requesting donations for any copies of this software, other than to cover your costs for copying and distribution. SUGGESTED ONE LINE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Setup Builder Version 5.00 Application Setup Builder Utility SUGGESTED COMPRESSED FILE NAME SB.ZIP (or SB.ARJ) SUGGESTED KEYWORDS Windows Hosted Install Compress Disk Distribution Setup Program Builder Visual C++ Visual Basic VB VC++ SUGGESTED DESCRIPTION A Windows 3.1 utility for creating professional looking installation procedures. Simple installs in less than 10 minutes! Fully automated with optional components. Handles multiple disks / splitting, compression, modify .INI files, version/overwrite checks, backdrops, 3D look, branding, PM groups+icons, registry, de-install, VB .MAK import. True multi-tasking installations. Optional Installs, Multi-lingual. Highly tailorable via (optional) script language. If it can be copied, SB will install it! LONGER DESCRIPTION Setup Builder is a professional Windows 3.1 application for creating and maintaining Windows Hosted installation procedures and is designed for developers or software distributors who wish to provide that 'professional' touch to the installation of their software. The interpreter part of the product can also be used to run Windows hosted DOS-like batch files using the script language supported. Forget about distributing Microsoft's 1/2 Mb offering just to install a 100-200K executable! This product uses about 270K of diskette space and is highly tailorable and doesn't require the user to get involved with C/C++, Visual Basic or .DLLs in order to create install disks. In fact you don't even need any third party products at all. Setup Builder Application Features - Setup projects to which files can be added/removed - Automatic creation of installation disks, requesting extra disks as required - Automatic splitting of large files across diskettes (including compressed files) - Automatic creation of install script code - Automatic creation of de-install script code - Ability for user to place 'user-defined' code in install procedure if required - Windows hosted with toolbar and status bar - All files can have attributes set: target location, overwrite checks, in use checks, file compression, create program manager icons etc - Ability to create program manager groups and icons - Up to 1024 files in an installation (Professional Edition) - Optional encription of install scripts (so that users can't change them) - Context sensitive, comprehensive Windows Help file - Network locking on project files - Visual Basic .MAK project import facility - 3rd party product import facility eg VB run-time, Access etc (Configureable) - Ability to change text on all dialogs used in an installation (also allows different languages - defaults to English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Dutch) - Optional installation of components at install-time Interpreter Supported Features (this is placed on install disks to 'run' install procedures) - Script language (similar to DOS batch files) supporting if and goto statements, string and numeric variables - Windows extensions - predefined dialogs (user definedable text), message boxes, creation of program manager icons/groups and ability to delete them - User defined objects - Backdrops, dialogs and cue cards (bill boards) - Comprehensive Windows Help file - String and numeric manipulation (left, right, mid, +, -, *, /) - Copying of files - Optional fuel gauge during copying - Date and time functions - DOS file management - create/delete/renaming of directories, disk space and file presence/overwrite/version checks - Windows .INI file management - File management - create/delete/renaming/copying/date & time setting, reading and writing of ASCII files - Nested script files - call a script from another script - External calls to run other Windows applications - Shared file registry (stops un-installing of files shared by multiple applications) - English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch language support on dialogs OTHER INFORMATION Requirements: Windows 3.1 / Windows for Workgroups, 80386 processor or better Registration: Please see the on-line help file 'Software Price List' for information Author: Graham Plowman, 10/11 Koorala Street, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, Australia E-Mail: 100105, or